Saturday, April 12, 2008

I was listening to a lecture I missed and came across a half time break question the professor asked:

If you could live your life inside a TV show which one would it be?

Mine probably would be Entourage or Charmed!!!

What would yours be?


Dili said...

Wow I'd never hav guessed :P :)

Me? Gilmore Girls or Battlestar Galactica

Charmed said...

LOL very funny!!!! :P:P
Gilmore girls??Wow thats a suprise! May I ask y?

Dili said...

Gorgeous town. Laid-back hassle-free lifestyle. Slapstick humor. Pop culture references. Great Books, sweet music. Great characters you can have a good verbal tiff with. Smart, funny & beautiful women. Whats not to like about Stars Hollow? :D I was utterly heartbroken when they cancelled it. It was one of my fave shows.

Y what would you have expected me to say? :)

Charmed said...

I don't know...I pro. would have expected something with fast cars, swearing and women.... something of that sort!
The laid back hassle free life style I can certainly agree with!! If only my life was like that right now....
Yh I was kinda upset when it ended, specially the way they ended with everything so uncertain and thing!!

Angel said...

Oh, Heros for sure.... it would be so cool to have some kinda super power!

Angel said...

On second thoughts, it will have toi be Friends... in fact, I think I'll be Phoebe and sing about little blck curly hairs... :)

Charmed said...

LOL Phoebe sounds awesome...Wonder if anyone could be as clueless as her though......
Heros does sound interesting...I would want the power to heal or read peoples minds if I was in heros!!

Sachini said...

One Tree Hill :D my guilty pleasure that I'm quite obsessed about. so much drama in tree hill and chad michael murray..tee hee (I'm not as blond as I sound. no really)

Charmed said...

LOL yes chad michael murray I wouldn't say no to!!!! Im trying to stop my self from getting hooked on this though!!

Sunshine Junkie said...

mmm.... Lois and Clark :D or entourage

A sHe MiNd!!! said...

Friends, for sure

Charmed said...

Pink mist:
OMG another Entourage lover!!!! YEAY!! I am at a loss of words when I try to describe that show!!Do you know when the next seasons coming out?
A she mind:
Yes Friends is like your grandma's cooking, you always want to go back to and have a little bit more!!!I just watched the episode where Ross makes a list about Rachel!Hilarious!