Wednesday, March 18, 2009


What do you do when your nearly in the smack middle of your twenties, your life is not what you imagined it would be, you feel like a failure on a daily basis, you know you'll never have enough money to maintain the life you have had,you realize living off of your folks is just not ethical anymore,you know you will never have that relationship that puts a smile on your face, You know you are probably letting your parents down and basically realize you'll never be happy?

It's even worse when you've been trying to pawn this off as quarter life crisis when it's clearly not anymore.

Where was that bend you took that turned your world in to this? Or was it the bend you didn't take?

Why live a life like this? Why don't we have a choice to when the end should be?

I know I'm only still alive because of two reasons....which I don't want to put in to words...

Is putting up a happy face all day and then closing your door and crying your self to sleep every night what my life is going to be like?

I don't think I can do it for much longer, but I don't want to go back to the dark place I've already been in...

Can I undo what I've done and make me worthy of happiness?