Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Yeay! Iv been blogged for the first time!! Thanks Dili!! ( yes I'm lame,I get excited about these things!)
Here are the rules:
~ Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog
~ Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
~ Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
~ Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog .

01.I loooove plucking my eyebrows,I mean I like doing it my self .I do it when I'm stressed,I do it when I'm bored, I do it when I'm happy, I do it while I watch telly, I do it even after it drives everyone around me crazy!!Get the pic?

02.I have five friends who Iv known the longest in my life,I'm a different person with each one of them.I share different parts of my life with them,each one knows something the other doesn't know about me.Sometimes I wonder if I have multiple personalities!

03.I'm envious of women who get to stay home all day and just take care of the family and home, to be frank I dream of being a house wife, even though I know I never will.

04.I like Cheddar cheese and strawberry jam on my toast or in my sandwich.I discovered this when I was 7!

05.I'v broken someones heart by completely becoming MIA, something I promised me self I'd never do, but had to.

06.I wish I was much thinner and lighter ( u don't even want to know what weight I'm at right now!) and maybe 2 inches shorter.

07.Even though everyone loved the sex and the city movie I was disappointed! I expected much more...I feel like they did a half ass job with the story line!

Everyones been tagged already so I only have two people, Themissingsandwich and angel! (sorry don't know how to add a link!!)


Dili said...

you're quite welcome :)

on 1, my dear I hope you do not end up like that librarian in 100 Girls that took her eyebrow off doing that.

3. theres probably a good no. of guys that'd be after you if you let that get out. :P

6. Wow what a coincidence. I'll take those 2 inches off you if you dont want them LOL :)

Angel said...

Good luck with the eyebrows... really admire your courage! And thanks for the tag!

pissu perera said...

hey, i do my own eyebrows too :D i started after all the salons started messing up and making it too thin, making my eyes look like dinner plates on my face. now i occasionally get roped in to do my friends' too.

and i eat jam and cheese together too. everyone else say's i'm weird like that. good to know there's someone else.

Charmed said...

LOL U just made my day by saying U eat jam and cheese too!!! Yes I have a very low threshold today!!!!!
And the eyebrow thing...yes they always mess it up or either make me bleed and leave a bruise!!!