Friday, February 1, 2008

Two minutes before class

Well lets see, how do i begin......Im not sure why Im here but thats something to be elaborated on later.
I have two minutes before i have to run to class for 4 boring hours of how not to kill someone and how the body tries to kill it self!!!
So basically I just wanted to say hi to the world ( In hope someone will read this!!)


Angel said...

Well, I read it! Hiya, how you doing? Delayed greeting, but warm, none the less!

Charmed said...

LOL awesome to know some one reads!!!!Ive been reading your blog for a while now...I think it did inspire me to start my own in some ways!
Hope U keep awake reading these things!

Angel said...

Wow, feel quite bucked to know that I may have been an inspiration (big, wide, toothy grin!) Of course I keep awake... you're quite good at it :)

Charmed said...

WOW thanks!