Tuesday, April 8, 2008

charmed and eyeliner!!!

I can't sleep...probably due to the fact that I missed class and slept for 5 hours after my hospital run this afternoon.Plus the fact that I almost never slept before 4am the last week, all compliments to those wonderful things called exams that break us down in to a gazillion pieces!
Anyway I don't think many people read my blog but for the those of you who do(angel to name one) I thought Id tell u how I came up with the name.
Its as simple as this:
I just combined two of my favorite things in the world...charmed ( yes the corny TV show with Prue, Piper and Pheobe) and eye liner.
These are two things as silly as they seem keep me entertained, if I must pick a word to describe them.
The first time I saw charmed was in 1999 when I was on vacation in NZ.I was in to any thing fairy tale,medieval or which craft like.The moment I saw the highlights for this on NZ TV I was sold! The first episode I watched was the one where the three sisters have to fight off the queen of the underworld form procreating with a human at a well known wedding in SF.Charmed for me was like love at first sight...I have been hooked ever since.Don't get me wrong I am very open minded and will not deny the fact it wen down hill after Prue was killed ( my favorite) Nevertheless I did not stop watching it and I now am the proud owner of seasons 1-8 on DVD!!!
Yes I do entertain my inner child quite a bit!
Okay so the second part of my blog name is eyeliner.I probably discovered eyeliner about two years before charmed.Actually my mother introduced me to it.Another love at first site instance.It took sometime to get to know how to handle it and to know how to do my eyes in 3 seconds flat even if I was still in a drunken stupor ( yes I have mastered this skill quite well).I have fallen in love with all brands, colours, textures, makes of eyeliner.My favorite been black liquid, teal green pencil, Dark purple and lavender glide on.I need eye liner to wake me up.Its like my caffeine fix in the morning, until I put it on I am still very much in far faraway land.I also almost feel naked with out it, this might also be because a few years ago me and my then roommate decided we look like we have Down's syndrome with out it.I am addicted to eyeliner to the point that I have about 3 back ups when I know one is running out, I literally buy all sorts of eyeliner in bulk!
So there you go I combined two of my favorite things in the world that I can't live with out to come up with a name.
I do believe this post:
...is useless
... shows how some of my thoughts are very blond and superficial...but hey aren't we all like that about some thing or another
...allows people who really know me to figure out this is my blog ( I go on about these things for real mostly to piss people off and truly because I like them.)
So anyone who shares the same passion for charmed or eyeliner please speak up and let me know that I'm not alone...heres to wishful thinking!!!


Dili said...

I dont know frack about eyeliner. But I had this awesome crush on Alyssa Milano ever since her "Who's the Boss" days.. :D

charmed by eyeliner - it has a nice ring to it. And a bit of pizazz. Me like...

Charmed said...

Thanks,glad you like it!!!!
Hahaha this is so funny...every time I mention charmed to a guy friend the first thing out of their mouth is Alyssa Milano!This never fails to make me laugh! No wonder they ditched Shannen Doherty instead of her!!Who was my favorite by the way!

Dili said...

:) Hey I have nothing against Holly Marie Combs. She was quite the girl next door in "Picket Fences". And Rose McGowan wasn't bad either in "The Doom Generation" and "Grindhouse". Looks like "Who's the Boss" had a better audience than those guys realised LOL. To be fair, I liked Prue's powers best though.

Charmed said...

LOL!!! yes Holly Marie Combs was quite the girl next door. Thank you for mentioning how you like Prue's powers, any compliment towards her I take as a personal compliment!lame I know..
Whats more lame is I want to name my daughter Prue one day at the risk of her being teased as prune!!My friends think Iv lost it!

Angel said...

Sigh... I'm only just getting used to eyeliner... and it's basic black. I can't even manage the lower lid yet, it totally freaks me out!

You did however, manage to make what is esentially a make-up chore for me sound downright seductive! Lavender, teal, glide.... mmmm.... maybe I should broaden my horizens.

Oh and thanks for the mensh... feel quite proud...

Charmed said...

No problemo!!
Seductive is definitely the word...in my mind the most seductive form of make up is eyeliner!!
Ok about the lower lid...thats where all the fun is ..it gives so much definition and that glistening look to your eyes....its hard at first but if you keep doing it, it becomes second nature faster than you can say eyeliner...I used to take forever doing the lower lid and taking it out and re doing it...was always late for school and ended up in detention ( but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do) !!!
And OMG don't even get me started about the colours I'd probably never stop!!!! LOL

Sunshine Junkie said...

I love eyeliner :D its the only makeup i would wear until about six months ago. the colours are so cool! and it makes suuuuuch a difference to a face. interesting about it being like caffeine.. must try that :D hehe...